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Zelia Page Breaux – Builder of People and State - Podcast

Zelia Page Breaux
Zelia Page Breaux

As a TEENAGER in the 1890s, Oklahoma pioneer Zelia Page Breaux helped create the academic curriculum at Langston University, then built the musical program and band at Oklahoma City Douglass High School into among the best in the southwest, and taught and mentored some of the greatest American artistic talent of the 20th Century, including author Ralph Ellison, guitarist Charlie Christian, and singer Jimmy Rushing. Count Basie and Duke Ellington attended her funeral.

Join John and KTOK/iHeartRadio star Gwin Faulconer-Lippert and learn about one of Oklahoma’s greatest pioneers, creators, and champions of the young. This is the 94th episode of our original OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program! Thank you Atwoods Stores for making it possible! Go HERE to listen to them all! Future episodes explore more great heroes, events, and movements of Oklahoma History. Thank you Atwoods Stores for making it possible!

The legendary Aldridge Theater on Northeast 2nd Street in Oklahoma City, the original “Deep Deuce.” Zelia Breaux utilized the Aldridge as a stage on which to nurture the musical talents of generations of young African Americans, as well as a top-flight movie theater for Oklahoma’s black community.

Three of Zelia Breaux’s greatest pupils—author Ralph Ellison, guitarist Charlie Christian, and Jimmie Rushing.

The Oklahoma City Douglass High School of 1934-1954, here identified as “High Street School,” and located at N.E. 6th and High Street. Many of Zelia Breaux’s greatest accomplishments took place in this building.
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Many thanks to Atwoods Stores, a farm and ranch supply company based in Enid, Oklahoma, for their support of the Red River Institute of History and OKLAHOMA GOLD! Please support them as you are able! Wherever you are, you can order online from thousands of quality products on their terrific website HERE. Atwoods also has 66 stores in 5 states: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. In addition to farm and ranch supplies, Atwoods stores sell clothing, lawn and garden items, tools, hardware, automotive supplies, sporting goods, pet supplies, firearms, and seasonal items.

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