Oklahoma Architectural Genius: Solomon Layton (1864-1943)
This Iowa-born architectural dynamo left a lasting imprint on the culture, geography, and history of Oklahoma. Layton and his partners designed at least 16 county courthouses across the state; forty-six Oklahoma City public schools (including the first five high schools and six junior highs); anchor structures at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City University; a constellation of office buildings, hospitals, and prisons; and the state capitol building.
Twenty-two of his and his partners’ buildings carry National Register of Historic Places designations. The sturdiness of their work reemerged more than half a century after Layton’s death, when eleven of their downtown OKC buildings remained structurally sound despite sustaining damage from the 1995 bombing of the nearby Murrah Federal Building.

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Oklahomans Vol 2 :
Statehood - 2020s
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