OKLAHOMANS 2 – Preview & Release Info – Podcast
Volume 2 of THE OKLAHOMANS (Statehood - Present) is written! Enjoy this preview of what one Oklahoma historian calls a “Monumental, hypnotically readable” book. Learn the release date and when you can pre-order.
Here’s just a taste:
Oklahoma…hard and lovely, violent and tender, foolish and valorous land of the second, third, sometimes last chance. Feel the scalding flames of Greenwood…choke on the Dust Bowl…go into battle with America’s first black Marine and first black Medal of Honor winner…liberate Dachau with the Thunderbirds…salute America’s two greatest war heroes from professional sports…cross the perilous Pacific from your Communist-overrun Vietnamese homeland…order a Coke from a lunch counter that won’t serve you…feel the world shake as the Murrah Building collapses on you…shield your students with your body as an F-5 blows down your school on you and them…love and defend your Patriot state and country as others hate and seek to destroy them both…
Join John and KTOK/iHeartRadio star Gwin Faulconer-Lippert for this exciting, 43rd episode of our weekly OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program and podcast.
The back cover of OKLAHOMANS 2.
Be sure to check out all of our other episodes of the weekly OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program and podcast. Go HERE to keep up with them all. Future episodes explore more great heroes, events, and movements of Oklahoma History.
Many thanks to Atwoods Ranch and Home, a farm and ranch supply company based in Enid, Oklahoma, for their support of the Red River Institute of History and OKLAHOMA GOLD! Please support them as you are able! Wherever you are, you can order online from thousands of quality products on their terrific website HERE. Atwoods also has 66 stores in 5 states: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. In addition to farm and ranch supplies, Atwoods stores sell clothing, lawn and garden items, tools, hardware, automotive supplies, sporting goods, pet supplies, firearms, and seasonal items.