Kate Barnard – Oklahoma’s Good Angel – Conclusion – Podcast

No matter what it cost her—and the cost was high—4-foot, 11-inch, 90-pound Kate Barnard, “Oklahoma’s Good Angel,” never quit standing up for the needy and abused. She rescued children from the coal mines, gave them the opportunity to attend school, established asylums to help rather than discard the insane, separated child prisoners from adults, and risked her career for mistreated Natives. One Oklahoma inmate she rescued from a Kansas hellhole called her, “a rose in a desert waste.”
iHeartRadio star Gwin Faulconer-Lippert and John conclude the unforgettable story of his his personal favorite Oklahoma hero in Part 2 of the saga of “Saint Kate.” It’s the ninth episode of our weekly OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program and podcast. Go HERE to listen to them all! Future episodes explore more great heroes, events, and movements of Oklahoma History.

Kate Barnard’s popularity soared beyond that of any Oklahoman of her generation. The moral courage and power which caused that, however, eventually led the high and the mighty to turn against her. Her latter years were wrought with pain, illness, and loneliness.