Coronado the Conquistador - Podcast
Meet the legendary Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, courageous Spanish explorer and trailblazer of the 16th Century. His historic impact on Oklahoma continues even today, not least in our vibrant and growing Hispanic population.
Ride with John and KTOK/iHeartRadio star Gwin Faulconer-Lippert on Coronado’s epic trail across modern day Oklahoma and the Southwest. This is the 103rd episode of our original OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program! Thank you Atwoods Stores for making it possible! Go HERE to listen to them all! Future episodes explore more great heroes, events, and movements of Oklahoma History.

“Coronado’s Expedition Through Northwest Oklahoma,” by G. N. Taylor. Coronado’s expedition of conquistadors included several hundred Indians and a captured Native guide called “The Turk.” The ever-present Catholic priest accompanies Coronado in his search for the Seven Cities of Cibola. (

Already respected and well known at 27 years of age when he launched his fabled trek across Mexico and the American Southwest, the peerless Spanish conquistador Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (1510-1554) introduced modern-day Oklahoma and Western civilization to one another a century before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock.

Famed artist of the American West Frederic Remington’s Coronado Sets Out to the North, portraying the journey that compassed present-day Oklahoma.

Many thanks to Atwoods Stores, a farm and ranch supply company based in Enid, Oklahoma, for their support of the Red River Institute of History and OKLAHOMA GOLD! Please support them as you are able! Wherever you are, you can order online from thousands of quality products on their terrific website HERE. Atwoods also has 66 stores in 5 states: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. In addition to farm and ranch supplies, Atwoods stores sell clothing, lawn and garden items, tools, hardware, automotive supplies, sporting goods, pet supplies, firearms, and seasonal items.