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John Presenting New Oklahoma History Talk Monday Evening at OKC History Center

This Monday evening at 6 p.m., John will deliver a new Oklahoma History presentation in the Chesapeake Room of the magnificent Oklahoma History Center in OKC. The occasion is the monthly general meeting of the Oklahoma Genealogical Society. The gathering is free, open to the public, and includes snacks and refreshments. The program will include beautiful images from John's book THE OKLAHOMANS.

A drawing for a free copy of THE OKLAHOMANS, and a book signing for the OKLAHOMANS, John's new Dust Bowl-WW 2 historical novel SHORTGRASS, his acclaimed Civil War history book THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES, and his other books follow the presentation at 7 p.m.

The History Center is located across the street from the State Capitol at 800 Nazhi Zuhdi Drive. For more information, please call 405-637-1907 or 405-795-1600.

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