Tulsa World Promos Dec. 1 Oklahomans Event

John and Former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, who will be appearing at John upcoming book release event in Tulsa. Tulsa World recently gave coverage to the event also:
Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:18 pm
Tulsa Historical Society to host book signing for John J. Dwyer
By James D. Watts Jr. - Tulsa World TulsaWorld.com
The Tulsa Historical Society will host a book signing event for author John J. Dwyer for his new book, “The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People.”
The event will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at the THS center, 2445 S. Peoria Ave.
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Among those participating at this event will be former Gov. Frank Keating, who wrote the book’s introduction.
The book, the first of a two-book series, traces the history of the state from ancient times to statehood.
It was published by Dwyer’s Red River Press with assistance of the Burbridge Foundation and is priced at $49.99. Copies purchased during this event will be sold at a discount.
Dwyer, whose educational career has been with such religious-based facilities as Coram Deo Academy in Texas and Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, where he is an adjunct profession of history and ethics, spent more than 10 years working on the book.
His previous books include “The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War” and the novels “Stonewall,” “Robert E. Lee” and “When the Bluebonnets Come.”
James D. Watts Jr.
Twitter: watzworld