The Oklahomans
Study Guide
Here at last! The companion study guide to Will Rogers Medallion Award-winning history book The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1 (Ancient-Statehood)! It is compact and easy to carry and store, but packed full of exercises for all twelve chapters of the book, as well as the Epilogue. These include chapter summaries, identification terms, completion exercises, timelines, and thought questions.
The Oklahomans Wins
Will Rogers Medallion Award Gold

If you are reading this feature, chances are good that you contributed in some way to The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, Ancient-Statehood, by John J. Dwyer, winning both the author and publisher gold medals for Western non-fiction at the fourteenth annual Will Rogers Medallion Award banquet, Saturday night, Oct. 28th, in Fort Worth.
The Dwyers—John, Luke, Katie, and Grace—celebrating The Oklahomans’ double gold Will Rogers Medallion Award win for Western non-fiction.
The Oklahomans
Land runs and oil booms, gun-toting preachers and pioneer women, civil war and Indian wars...storybook, textbook, coffee table book...the Oklahoma History book that goes where others fear to tread.
John J. Dwyer's long-awaited epic of Oklahoma and its people. NOW AVAILABLE!
The Oklahomans Promo Video
The Truth about Lee, Lincoln, North & South
Updated 4th Edition
The War Between the States:
America's Uncivil War
"The best textbook for the high school, preparatory academy or junior college I've ever read."
—Roger D. McGrath, retired lecturer in history, UCLA
Order John's new historical novel now!
"The difference between John Dwyer and other historical authors is that he doesn't just tell what happened, he shows why people did what they did."
—Bob Blackburn, Executive Director,
Oklahoma Historical Society
"How do I know there's a God? Because, for one thing, he keeps raising up eloquent, decisive champions of the faith: the likes of John Dwyer. A born communicator, John brings Christian conviction and learning, and with it a gentle humility, to literary tasks great and small."
—William Murchison, former Senior Editor, Dallas Morning News
"John Dwyer writes as he thinks: lucidly, dynamically, engagingly. Wherever John takes you, you'll be glad you went. And you will want to go again."
—Reg Grant, Senior Professor and Department Chair,
Dallas Theological Seminary