Audio Presentations
The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee
Robert E. Lee has been “cancelled” up one side and down the other in recent years. But, across the centuries, he taught me more than anyone else about being a Christian father to my daughter, as well patience and gentleness toward my grandson and some of the hymns I sing to him when he spends the night. In “The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee,” I explore Lee the FAMILY man, leader of SPIRITUAL revival in his army, post-war PEACEmaker, and GODLY example.
I delivered this address on October 5th, 2022 at the sixth annual Dr. James G. Caster Symposium on the Civil War at Randall University in Moore
Talking Oklahomans 2 with KTOK Radio Talk King Lee Matthews
Talking about Oklahomans Vol 2 with Lee Matthews of KTOK Talk Radio 1000, on his iHeart podcast show HERE
Civil War & Monuments - 2020 Radio Interview
The American Civil War and its leading lights have reappeared on the stage of American history and society in 2020—and in many cases, been physically knocked down from it. Why? iHeartRadio star Gwin Faulconer-Lippert and John talk about it, some Oklahoma connections, and John’s epic book The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War, now in its fifth printing.
Oklahoma History 2020 Radio Interview
The most requested interview posting we’ve ever had. KTOK 1000 AM and iHeartRadio star Gwen Faulconer-Lippert interviews John about the Oklahoma History that is surging into us from all sides TODAY.
One of the most well received public presentations John has ever given was his new, 2019 updated presentation at last year’s Randall University Civil War Symposium about Ranald Slidell MacKenzie, the greatest American soldier of the Old West.
LISTEN to my interview on Tulsa’s great Pat Campbell 1170 AM radio talk show about the feats and sacrifices of Oklahoma aviators in World War II
LISTEN to Radio Interview about MUSTANG, WW II & Chickasha Presentation
Oklahoman Newspaper's Ken Raymond & John Discuss Mustang, WW II, Oklahoma, & His Dad (Jun 2019)
Talking Mustang and Memorial Day on Austin's KLBJ Radio
John discusses Lance Roark and Mustang with Rick Tocquigny on the Life Lessons Radio Network
Gwin Faulconer-Lippert's KTOK/iHeartRadio Interview with John (Apr 2019):
Oklahoma City radio icon Gwin Faulconer-Lippert discusses John's upcoming World War II novel Mustang with him on her KTOK/iHeartRadio Easter Sunday program.
KTOK Radio's Gwin Faulconer-Lippert Talks Oklahoma's Holiday Heritage with John (Nov 2018):
Stand Watie Presentation (Randall University) (Apr 2018):
Sporting period garb, John delivered a moving presentation on the life of Oklahoma’s own Cherokee Chief and Civil War General Stand Watie at Randall University’s (www.ru.edu) second annual Symposium on the American Civil War.
The Living Room with Gerry Bonds Interview (Dec 2017):
John joins in with a discussion of The Oklahomans on THE LIVING ROOM with Gerry Bonds, a monthly, half-hour interview discussion program, which can be heard on radio stations in south central Oklahoma.
(Nov 2017) The Ranch 106.1 and KOOL 105.5 radio personality, retired U.S. Army SFC Dennis Linam, interviews John just before his presentation to the annual Grady County Historical Museum banquet in Chickasha (OK). During the interview, Dennis calls John's Will Rogers Medallion Award-winning book The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, Ancient to Statehood, “Truly a Great Read!”
Pat Campbell Show - 1170 Talk Radio Oklahoma (Sept 2017):
John discusses Oklahoma History, including some hot current topics, with Pat Campbell on Tulsa Talk Radio 1170 program.
The Theme of Fatherhood in My Books (June 2017):
Gwin Faulconer-Lippert, one of Oklahoma's foremost on-air radio personalities, interviewed John on her KTOK Radio/iHeartRadio program Father's Day evening. They explored the recurrent theme of Fatherhood in his novels.
Ranald Slidell MacKenzie (June 2017):
Click here to listen hear my presentation on Ranald Slidell MacKenzie for the 2017 Annual Conference of the Oklahoma Daughters of Union Veterans. Read my post with more information about this event and lecture HERE.
Shortgrass Release Day (May 2017):
Lee Matthews of KTOK, broadcasting live at Full Circle books for the John J. Dwyer Shortgrass book release party.
John Talks Oklahoma Land Runs & Other Sagas (Apr 2017):
Enjoy this recent discussion on Gwin Faulconer-Lippert's splendid KTOK Radio/iHeartRadio program. Gwin and John explore the colorful and multiple land runs that opened much of the state to pioneer
Pat Campbell Show - 1170 Talk Radio Oklahoma (Dec 2016):
Enjoy this robust Oklahoma History conversation with John, Tulsa Talk Radio 1170 host Pat Campbell, and various callers on the only morning drive time radio talk program in Tulsa!
Faith and Freedom Radio Interview:
John gets interviewed on this great two-hour radio program, discussing his book The War Between the States
Robert E. Lee Interview:
Hear John Dwyer discuss his epic saga of the life of Robert E. Lee on the nationally-syndicated radio program A Novel Idea with host Roger Marsh.
Abraham Lincoln: Stepfather of Our Country
The real story of America's most revered President is vastly more interesting—and controversial--than what most history books have taught us. Learn Lincoln's real opinions, in his own words, on numerous key subjects. What were his views on the Constitution, government, economics, war and peace, slavery, and religion? Was he a conservative or a liberal? Did he believe in a free market or command economy? Was he a Christian or not? What did his friends consider his views? His business assocites? His wife? Get ready for some surprises.
Alfred the Great: Defender of Christendom:
From spoiled, drunken teenager, to humble defender of Christian civilization against the heathen Viking invaders. The greatest king in English history.
Jim Elliot: Martyr to the Indians:
The legendary 20th-century American missionary, who took the gospel into the jungles where it had never been carried.
The Great Revivals During the War between the States:
How America's greatest tragedy also berthed one of its greatest spiritual awakenings, in a most unexpected place.
Paul Schneider: Apostle to the Nazis:
The Christian pastor Hitler feared as he feared no other man, from the beginning of Nazi rule.
Stonewall Jackson: Standing Like a Stone Wall:
As a boy, he lost his mother, father, brother, and sister. As a man, he lost a wife and two babies. As a soldier, he led one of America's greatest spiritual awakenings.
Reconstruction or Deconstruction?:
Did the U.S. government's program for the South following the War Between the States constitute an attempt at "Reconstruction" or Deconstruction?
Stand Watie and the Confederate Indians:
The saga of Cherokee Chief Stand Watie - the only American Indian to attain the rank of general during the War Between the States - and his people from before the Trail of Tears through the post-war Reconstruction.
The Christian Character of Robert E. Lee:
Most people know of Lee's military exploits, but few know that his greatest legacy is that of a peacemaker.